In 1937 Louis Marks Mann arrived in Lafayette and built this house for his wife, Mildred Pons Mann, and their 5 year old son, Louis Benjamin Mann. Louis Marks Mann moved from New Orleans to open a new Lafayette Auto Parts store. The store was located downtown in the historic, Lafayette Hardware Building featured in this book on page 11. Louis operated the Lafayette Auto Parts store until his death in 1948. Later, his son, Louis Benjamin Mann, married Elaine Louviere, the daughter of Larry J. Louviere. Mr. Louviere was the owner of Louisiana Motors located at “six corners”, where Jefferson Boulevard, Park Avenue, Simcoe and Surrey Streets intersect. Louisiana Motors was owned and operated for a total of seventy-two years inclusively by Louis Benjamin Mann, Larry J. Louviere, and his son Larry T. Louviere. Elaine Louviere Mann founded Elaine Mann School of Dance in Lafayette. She taught dance for forty years during the latter half of the 20th century. The Louis & Mildred Mann House has been occupied by the Mann family since its construction. The original construction and all subsequent work on the house was done by four generations of Ducharme brothers, who own and operate Ducharme Brothers Construction Company in Lafayette