The Roy House – December 2020 Newsletter
The Roy House Lafayette

PAL members toured the Roy House with Dr. Josh Caffery, Director of Center for Louisiana Studies, and Geoff Thompson, master carpenter, as restoration commenced.

The Center for Louisiana Studies is thrilled to have reached, and in fact surpassed, its fundraising goals. The CLS is seeking Louisiana-made and period furnishings to complete its restoration of the Roy House. To donate and learn more, click here. You can also explore architectural renderings of the iconic house through the Library of Congress.

The Preservation Alliance is pleased to recognize the following special supporters:

Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
Standard Title, LLC
Ms. Marcia Fontenot
Dr. Reed Nelson

If you know any of these people, please take a moment to thank them for their support of Lafayette’s historic and cultural treasures.


Lafayette Preservation Commission Updates