Thank you members, old and new.
In this time of giving thanks, the Preservation Alliance of Lafayette expresses its sincerest gratitude for your continued support of our organization and its mission. While PAL has always strived to serve the Lafayette community through grassroots preservation efforts, we are reaffirming our commitment to you, our members, with many new initiatives and events. In the coming months, we will be unveiling a new PAL logo and a much-anticipated new website. If you are tech-savvy and would like to volunteer your time updating PAL’s web presence, please email [email protected]. But don’t worry. Even if you don’t know bits from bytes, there will be other opportunities for you to get involved in PAL’s bright future. We look forward to seeing you on December 6, 2019 for the Downtown Christmas Extravaganza Tree Decorating Contest and on January 15, 2020 for the LTHP Coalition Gathering (additional details below and to follow). Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
- December 6, 2019 – Downtown Lafayette Christmas Extravaganza – Tree Decorating Contest: Calling all Nostalgic Elves! Join us as we competitively festoon a unique PAL tree in Parc International. E-vites, with additional details for this event, as well as a preceding ornament creation workshop (where we will craft ornaments for our tree from locally reclaimed wood), will be sent soon.
- January 15, 2020 – Louisiana Trust for Historic Preservation (LTHP) Coalition Acadiana Gathering, at the historic John Nickerson House in Sterling Grove: A meeting of policy and decision makers, citizens, and other stakeholders to discuss Louisiana’s historic preservation tax environment. Additional details to be sent soon. In the meantime, if you or someone you know has benefitted from the state’s historic preservation tax program, please email [email protected]. We need your input!
- March 7, 2020 – Azalea Trail and Downtown History Walk
- Spring/Summer 2020 – PAL Inaugural Speaker Series
- Pay PAL dues and visit our current website.
- Apply for the Lafayette Registry of Historic Places
- Learn more about the Lafayette Historic Commission and ordinances here and here.
- Share comments, suggestions, and news by emailing [email protected].