Summer 2021

Preservation Alliance of Lafayette Welcomes New Board Members and Officers

PAL is fortunate to have a volunteer Board of Directors passionate about recognizing and preserving Lafayette’s important historic and cultural assets. PAL is grateful to Ann Marie Hightower, Maeghan Smith, Hallie Coreil and all other past Board members for their invaluable services to the organization. PAL is pleased to recognize new officers, Interim Chairperson Mrs. Denise R. Lanclos, Vice President Mr. Robert “Bob” Brahan, Secretary Ms. Denice Broussard, and Treasurer Mr. Robert Oncale. Additional new board members are Mr. Kevin Gossen, Mr. Mark Pritchard, & Mrs. Cathy Ritter. If you would like to apply to join the PAL Board, please click the link below. If you would like more information, please email [email protected]. Thank You!

HR 2294 Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act of 2021 (HTC-GO)
Important news about the bill that significantly improves the federal tax credit program. Very important for Louisiana since the state has now hugely restricted their tax credits with the annual $cap that was approved in 2020. Federal tax credit fact sheet is attached for quick reference. You are encouraged to support this bill via this link: take action to urge your representatives and senators to cosponsor these bills

Goveror John Bel Edwards
Extends Louisiana Historic Tax Credit to 2026!
Read all about it in this article:

Lafayette’s Historic Azalea Trail is now partnering
with our cultural history.

Azalea Society of America Annual Convention to be in Lafayette, LA  March 10-13, 2022
Hosted by LA Chapter – Azalea Society of America
More Information can be found at  

The Crow – Girard Historic Home “Queen Anne” Circa 1900
This was the Spring 2021 Azalea Trail winner.

Lafayette’s Azalea Trail website

Herbert Heymann

The Herbert Heymann Home is now on the Historic Register! 


Parish Proud Badge Logo 2 Color CMYK

Annual Dues Notices have been mailed and are due by August 31, 2021.
Thank You for your continued support.

The Preservation Alliance is pleased to recognize the following Corporate Members:
Gossen Architects, APC
Stuller Family Foundation
Parish Proud
Denise Richard Lanclos – Notary Public Services
Dwight W. Andrus Insurance, Inc.
LINES Made Simple, LLC
Marcia Fontenot
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
Standard Title, LLC
Dr. Reed Nelson

If you know any of these businesses and members, please take a moment to thank them for their support of Lafayette’s historic and cultural treasures.

Lafayette’s Historic Restaurants are featured on! You can search by “district” throughout the city.

 Preservation Alliance of Lafayette is on

Please “like” and follow PAL on Facebook.
We are sharing very interesting statewide and national resource “posts” weekly.
You will find information on videos, tax credits, registering properties and much more linked to the State and National websites.  

Restoration of The Roy House beginning soon.
Follow “Restore the Roy” on Face Book

The Roy House Lafayette
Lafayette Preservation Commission Updates:
The Commission has an open position on the board. If you are interested in serving please contact Roxana Usner at [email protected]
Members serve on a volunteer basis, and both professionals and students are welcome to serve.
Time required will not exceed 2 hours per month and volunteer service is limited to Commission member attendance at Commission meetings, held on the Third Thursday of the month at 3:00 pm.
Meetings are held downtown at Rosa Parks Transportation Center in Multi-Purpose Room 116.
No formal training is required. During the monthly meetings, new Commission members will be given any informal training or information they may need to perform required duties.  In making appointments, preference shall be given to individuals with demonstrated interest or expertise in historic preservation, including representatives from historical, cultural, business, educational, archeological, architectural, developmental, artistic, commercial, and preservation organizations. Commission members will soon be reviewing the following projects for historic nomination/designation consideration: Truman Historic Neighborhood – Lafayette’s first all-Black, mid-20th century neighborhood, largely unchanged since its development. Survey of Lafayette’s first Civil Rights National Register Historic District nomination, “The Block”. Construction and Demolition Guidelines to developed for protection of Elmhurst Park Historic Neighborhood and Sterling Grove National Historic District. The Preservation Commission was created for the following purposes: To provide for designation of Historic Assets: Historic Neighborhoods, Historic Landmarks, Historic Properties, and Historic Cultural Resources; To provide for an Appeals Procedure, as defined herein; To stimulate revitalization of business districts and historic neighborhoods and to protect and enhance local historical and aesthetic attractions to tourists and thereby promote business; and To establish uniform procedures for the protection, enhancement and perpetuation of places, districts, sites, buildings, structures, and works of public art having a special historical, cultural or aesthetic significance, interest or value. Please contact her directly with any questions, or send me a resume and a cover letter email expressing your interest in serving on the Commission. The Lafayette Historic Register has been updated and can be found online at:
UPCOMING EVENTS August 14, 2021 – ArtWalk at Parc de Lafayette, 5:00 – 9:00 pm August 18, 2021 – Preservation Commission Monthly Meeting, Rosa Parks Bldg. August 25, 2021 – PAL Monthly Board Meeting – Good Hope Hall September 30 – October 1, 2021 –  Louisiana Historic Trust for Preservation Annual Preservation Conference Monroe & West Monroe, LA General Conference Fee starts at $100 November 20, 2021 – Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist Historic Preservation Gala