In 1935, Michael Eloi Girard, III built this house on a portion of his family’s land. Michael was the nephew of Crow Girard, who was the son of Michel Eloi Girard, Jr. and Maxime Crow Girard. The land was bequeathed to Michael and Maxime by her parents, Basil Catryl Crow and Maximilian Brashear. Both the Crow and Brashear families can trace their ancestries to Maryland’s Benjamin Brashear, a Huguenot refugee from France circa 1637. Brashear is considered to be the same name as Brasseuir, Brassieur and Brasseur. The design of Eloi Girard House belongs to the Revivalism Era which was popular during the early 20th century. It was built to resemble an English Tudor cottage. It was designed by architect, Frederick Nehrbass and was completed shortly after the Girard family donated the land for Girard Park. The uneven exterior brick courses, a feature specifically asked for by Mr. Eloi Girard, is part of the charm of this house. The uneven bricks come from “clinker” bricks typically rejected by brick makers. They were made by Mike Baker Brick beehive kilns. Clinker bricks have been baked too close to the heat, become misshapen and exceedingly durable. The house is the home of beloved local artist, Francis Xavier Pavy and his wife, Cathi.