New Year for Old Stuff
It was great seeing everyone who attended the Historic Tax Credit Coalition Gathering on January 15, 2020. But don’t fret if you missed it – Preservation Alliance has been busy planning other enlightening opportunities for your preservation pleasure. We look forward to seeing you at the events noted below.
In the meantime, look for our new website and logo to be unveiled in the coming months. And please reach out to share any preservation-related news by emailing [email protected]. We love to hear from you, and we love spreading the word about old stuff!

Local architect, Stephen Ortego, with SO Studio, addresses the Coalition Gathering regarding the importance of the Louisiana Historic Tax Credit Program to development in Acadiana.

At the corner of North Church Street and Veterans Memorial Drive now stands a new…old…building. Believed to have been built between 1790 and 1850, this 400 sq. ft. Acadian Style home (complete with bousillage insulation) was moved from its old location, where it had been enveloped by an older, Victorian era structure, will soon see new life as a museum and visitor’s center.
Missed the Coalition Gathering? Learn more about the Tax Credit Program, and why it’s so important to renew it, with these useful links: |
- March 7, 2020 – Azalea Trail and Downtown History Walk
- March 13, 2020 – DTA! featuring High Performance + Kyle Huval and the Dixie Club Ramblers. Check out the full DTA! schedule here.
- March 14, 2020 – LTHP Spring Ramble in Minden and Webster Parish
- May, 2020 – Annual Membership Meeting – Details to be announced soon.
- Coming soon! P.A.L. Speaker Series. Dates and topics to be announced soon.
In addition to a new logo and website, be on the lookout for information regarding membership renewal. P.A.L. will be transitioning to a new system for membership renewals beginning in May 2020. In the meantime, spread the word! P.A.L. is always looking to welcome new members.